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28 of 28 Items
  • Let's Play Hockey Lift-a-Flap Board Book Let's Play Hockey Lift-a-Flap Board Book

    Let's Play Hockey Lift-a-Flap Board Book

     Introduce Your Little One to Hockey Fun! Get your little fan excited about hockey with this interactive Lift-a-Flap board book! Explore basic rules, team gear, practice drills, and sportsmanship through vibrant scenes featuring playful animal...

  • It's a Big World Bartholomew Bear Book

    Jellycat It's a Big World Bartholomew Book

    Bears love to wander, and it's quite the journey in It's A Big World, Bartholomew. Follow Bartholomew Bear as he shares his wisdom with everyone he meets, the perfect bedtime story. This charmingly illustrated hardback has a tactile cover, perfect for...

  • Jellycat Bashful Puppy Loves You Book

    Jellycat Bashful Puppy Loves You Book

    Bashful Puppy Loves You is a charming book about a very loyal dog – it even has soft puppy paws! A quirky cloth book with crinkles, textures, colorful pictures and lift-up panels, it's a buggy favorite for busy hands.  Dimensions: 6in x 6in x 2in

  • Bartholomew Bear Loves You Book

    Bartholomew Bear Loves You Book

     Our kindly bear wants readers to know that Bartholomew Bear Loves You. This scrumptious book has soft golden paws, tactile fabrics, crinkle panels, hidden surprises beneath lift-up flaps, and vibrant colors throughout. The perfect gift for...

  • Warm in the Storm Book

    Warm in the Storm Book

     One night, it's wild and windy outside, and the animals look for shelter. Rusty Fox is snug underground, but can he help his friends all fit in his den? Warm in the Storm is a fun escapade, full of tongue-twisting rhymes and bright illustrations. A...

  • Soft Fabric Activity Book for Baby Soft Fabric Activity Book for Baby Soft Fabric Activity Book for Baby Soft Fabric Activity Book for Baby Activity Book Forest

    Activity Book Forest

    The Soft Activity Book 2 in 1 develop hand-eye coordination and support fine motor skills. This multisensory book filled with fun and engaging surprises. The contrast colors and materials help baby’s visual and sensory development in the early stages...

  • Llama Finger Puppet Book

    Llama Finger Puppet Book

    What is Baby Llama's favorite food? Follow along with this cute baby animal as it experiences its world, from playtime to bedtime. The simple, comforting story in this go-to baby gift series have made it a multimillion seller. Featuring a permanently...

  • Picture of If I Were a Puppy book

    If I Were a Puppy

    Imagine being a puppy! Would you chase rabbits or roll in the mud? This fun book has adorable illustrations and interactive elements to spark your child's imagination.

  • Minnesota Baby Board Book Minnesota Baby Board Book Minnesota Baby Board Book Minnesota Baby Board Book

    Minnesota Baby Board Book

    Here come the Minnesota babies, ready to give you a tour of their home state in this appealing board book! Spirited and charming images pair with quirky text to introduce young readers to a group of smart, active, stylish, and just plain silly tots...

  • Poke A Dot Old Macdonald's Farm Poke A Dot Old Macdonald's Farm

    Poke A Dot Old Macdonald's Farm

    Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-POP! Poke the irresistible click-to-count buttons to hear satisfying "clicks" and "pops" as you count all the animals on Old MacDonald's Farm! This sturdy 20-page interactive board book invites kids to pop along as they...

  • Doodle Mania Scratch and Sketch Doodle Mania Scratch and Sketch Doodle Mania Scratch and Sketch Doodle Mania Scratch and Sketch Doodle Mania Scratch and Sketch

    Doodle Mania Scratch and Sketch

     Let your creativity run wild as you doodle everything from outer space to animals to flowers to robots! This is a Trace-Along Scratch and Sketch! White outlines on black scratch-off pages create a fun way for younger children (5 and up) to trace...

  • Hockey in the Wild Hardcover Book

    Hockey in the Wild Hardcover Book

     The lovable Life in the Wild trio can't wait to get out on the ice to  play hockey. Except, well, they're going to have to! It's wintertime,  and the bear, the moose and the beaver can't wait for hockey season to  start. They're so...

  • Everything Under the Sun Book Everything Under the Sun Book Everything Under the Sun Book Everything Under the Sun Book Everything Under the Sun Book

    Everything Under the Sun Book

     "Everything Under the Sun is a beautifully illustrated book full  of questions that young readers will likely have asked aloud or wondered  to themselves before.  Questions like 'Why do tigers have stripes?' or  'How do our...

  • Love You S'more Board Book

    Love you S'more Board Book

    Embrace the puns in this charmingly campy board book about two raccoons  who insist they are the one who loves the other "s'more." Love, puns,  and s'mores are three of life's greatest pleasures. In this little board  book, two competitive...

  • Noisy Farm Book

    Noisy Farm Book

    Touch, feel, and hear the farm animals in this sturdy board book. Engaging photographs and appealing textures encourage young readers to explore the exciting world of farm animals. Press the touch-and-feels to hear five realistic farm animal sounds, with...

  • Indestructibles Itsy Bitsy Spider

    Itsy Bitsy Spider Indestructibles Book

     Indestructibles is the trusted series for easing little ones into story time. Beloved by babies and their parents, Indestructibles are built for the way babies “read” (i.e., with their hands and mouths) and are: Rip Proof—made of ultra-durable...

  • Noisy Trucks Noisy Trucks Noisy Trucks

    Noisy Trucks

    Young readers will love to feel the different textures and hear the truck sounds in this interactive, sturdy board book designed for children ages 3 and up. Includes an on/off switch on the back cover to extend battery life. Touch, feel, and hear the...

  • Baby Animals

    Baby Animals Indestructibles Book

    Indestructibles is the trusted series for easing little ones into story time. Beloved by babies and their parents, Indestructibles are built for the way babies “read” (i.e., with their hands and mouths) and are: Rip Proof—made of ultra-durable...

  • Love You Baby

    Love You Baby Indestructibles Book

    Indestructibles is the trusted series for easing little ones into story time. Beloved by babies and their parents, Indestructibles are built for the way babies “read” (i.e., with their hands and mouths) and are: Rip Proof—made of ultra-durable...

  • The Tale of Paul Bunyan Book

    The Tale of Paul Bunyan Little Golden Book

    Lumberjacks came and went, but none left their mark like the great Paul Bunyan. This Little Golden Book shares the very entertaining and very tall tale of everyone’s favorite lumberjack and his giant ox, Babe. When Paul Bunyan was a baby, his first...

  • How to Babysit a Grandma

    How to Babysit a Grandma Book

    When you babysit a grandma, if you’re lucky, you’ll have a sleepover at her house! And with the useful tips found in this book, you’re guaranteed to become an expert grandma-sitter in no time. (Be sure to check out the sections on: How...

  • Book Maybe

    Book Maybe

    Author: Kobi Yamada Throughout this enchanting book, an uplifting dialog of hope and inspiration encourages readers to wonder and imagine themselves reaching their fullest potential. Meanwhile, magical illustrations launch imaginations into new worlds of...

  • What Sisters Do Best Book What Sisters Do Best Book What Sisters Do Best Book What Sisters Do Best Book

    What Sisters Do Best Book

    This delightful board book by renowned author-illustrator team Laura Numeroff and Lynn Munsinger celebrates all the wonderful things sisters can do!   Sisters can do lots of things, like teach you how to swim, start a game of tag, and be there...

  • What Brothers Do Best

    What Brothers Do Best Book

    This delightful board book by renowned author-illustrator team Laura Numeroff and Lynn Munsinger celebrates all the wonderful things brothers can do! Brothers can push you on a swing, make music with you, and take you to the library. But what do brothers...

  • Good Night Loon Kid's Book

    Good Night Loon Kid's Book

    A charming retelling of a children’s classic in a distinctly Northwoods voice There’s a loon, of course. And a Duluth pack. And crop art, Tater Tot hotdish, and, inevitably, deer ticks. The familiar green room is set on a pontoon, lit by...

  • Woodland Sounds Book

    Woodland Sounds Book

    Little children will love hearing the woods come to life as they press the pages of this enchanting book. Each beautifully illustrated scene has simple text and cut-out shapes to discover, and a sound button to press to hear woodland sounds including an...

  • Good Night Minnesota Board Book Good Night Minnesota Board Book Page Good Night Minnesota Board Book Page Good Night Minnesota Good Night Minnesota

    Good Night Minnesota Board Book

    Young readers will squeal with delight as they tour the great state of Minnesota and recognize familiar sites, landmarks, and wildlife including moose and wolves, Duluth Harbor, Fort Snelling, SEA LIFE Minnesota Aquarium, lakes, Minnesota State Fair,...

28 of 28 Items